Mum passed away

2005 April 09

Created by Dionne 11 years ago
She'd been having gall bladder issues but the NHS wouldn't operate on her til she lost weight.In the meantime she was told to take Ibuprofen. She began to get ill 2005 and believed the Dr wouldn't help her so she carried on taking ibuprofen even tho she wasn't eating. One evening she collapsed at home. I was out with Keith so we rushed over there and they discovered she had a bowel ulcer. She had good days and bad days and as anyone who has had a loved one in hospital knows it was hell not knowing what news you are walking in to. She had a bad turn and they decided to operate on her.It was 50/50 whether she would survive. She did but the antibiotics were making her sick. We got a call to come in and she was moved to ITU. Turns out she inhaled some of her vomit. The next call we got was to say get here NOW. But it was too late. The nurse said even if you had turned up in your pajamas you would not have been in time. She had had a heart attack and had passed away on a sunny beautiful April morning, just 6 days before her birthday.